
Wyświetlanie postów z styczeń, 2022

What is Goral and who are the Gorals?

The Goral flag     What is Goral? Goral is the term used for the Polish dialects spoken by the Gorals.There are many varieties of Goral that are all mutually inteligible. The Podhale dialect is the de facto standard literary Goral dialect due to Podhale being the most famously known region however, the majority of Gorals speak really closely related dialects.Gorals themselves rarely differentiate between their dialects and just refer to them as Górolski.This is the dialect you will be taught here. Now about the orthography.To put it short there is no standard.Isn't that neat?All those rules you had to memorize in school like aren't needed here.A similar situation is with the alphabet however the Gwara Góralsko Skolnego Podholo is the leading one online.It is based off the alphabet used in the book Sabała by Andrzej Stopka Nazimek. Exert from Sabała A B C D E  É F G H I J K L Ł M N O Ó  Ô P R Ś T U V W Y  Ý Z Ź and diagraphs : Trz Strz rz ch How do you pronounce ...

Basics 1

Shortenings pas. Past fut. Future m. Male f. Female n. Neuter Press on BASICS 1 or PRACTICE to access the practice. BASICS 1 WORDBOOK Jo-I  Tyś-You  zek-am  jes-are  zmyncony-tired  niepyndliwy-calm chłop-boy dziywka-girl budorz-builder fajermón-fireman co-which,what,that is ciupi é -pre. m. f. n. cutting  gasi-pre. m. f. n. putting out (water) flisok-rafter  brzezý-birch trees egzekutorz-repossession man PRACTICE Translate : 1.I am Janko  2.You are Hańko  3.I am tired  4.You are calm  5.I am a boy  6.You are a girl  7.I am a builder  8.You are a fireman  9.I am a builder which is cutting birch (trees) 10.I am a fireman that is extinguishing a fire